Simple yet challenging with plenty of ways to play. Im never bored with this game unlike other word searches.
Simple yet challenging with plenty of ways to play. Im never bored with this game unlike other word searches.
Lots of fun, works as it should. Plenty options!
Been through a few word search games and this one takes the cake. Got it while it was free but it might even be worth a few bucks.
I purchased about 6 different word search type apps and this was definitely the best of them. Its easy to use and customize. I would definitely recommend this app for anyone looking to do a word search, be it an easy one or an extremely hard one. Another cool thing is that the game has tons of words in each category so you dont run into that many duplicates and if you do, they are always in different spots. My only requests to the app developer would be to have a way to comment to you directly to make suggestions or report bugs. The biggest suggestion I currently have is to please give an option to disable the automatic word hints (when you havent found a word for 20 seconds or so and the starting letter of a word pops up - in my opinion this takes away some of the fun of the game as the whole point is to search for words, not get told where they are if youre challenging yourself with a tough word search and get stumped for a little bit) Really a great app that is very well designed!
I love this word search game. Now I could just build my own word list and not have to us the Internet that would be grand. Itll be 5 star app then.
UPDATE: Occasionally Ill add another review as I continue to enjoy an app. This is one of those rare apps. My favorite feature is the shift mode that enables an online word list from any webpage. I like using webpages that I have created or pages that I have posted to. In fact my user name has appeared several times as a word on the list. In addition, Upon completion of the puzzle, the bottom list contain quotes that were sources of the words listed. Its pretty cool to see my own quotes on the list. Egotistic, I know, but still pretty awesome. You obviously need the Internet to download the custom word lists, but once its downloaded, you can play the game offline. Im not sure if I got this for free or a reduced cost, but I never pay more than $2.99 for any app, and even that cost is a bit rare for me. So is it worth $5? I personally wouldnt have paid this much for an app without ads and upgrade reminders. There are three apps for sale: lite, regular and plus. Regular would have been sufficient for me. But if you detest ads and reminders so much, youll want this one. Below is an earlier review. I still stand by what I wrote, except that Ive become accustomed to the numbers and lowercase words included. Whatever, its still an awesome app. Ive been accustomed to AFKSofts word search puzzle; and I still love it. I like the layout and I enjoy competing in the puzzle of the day. I have to wonder, though, if I had found this first, would I appreciate the other word find as much after downloading it? The impressive qualities of Word Quest (so far): scrolling map that refreshes as the top words are found (in shift & action puzzles) large scope of topics custom feature that extracts words from any website of your choice* large transparent letter indicating the selected letter slide from beginning to end of word OR selecting the first then last letter. many options so you can customize your puzzles that will suit your individual taste and intellect *The one drawback from selecting a website for the list source is that the "words" are a mixture of numbers, html code tags, and regular words you would expect. Im not sure what the workaround would/could be. I did see an option to regenerate a new list, but I only saw it once. But overall, I really enjoy this app. I have to get used to the layout, but thatll be fine, Im sure. I havent found any challenges like Word Searchs puzzle of the day, but I havent looked for it. Ill update as I learn more about it. My recommendation: get it.
Try it out!
Nice to exercise the brain. Id like to be able to get rid of the hints, sometime. Thanks for so many options.
One of the best word find apps out there. If you enjoy these types of games, recommended.
Love the options and word categories. Can go as easy or as difficult as I feel. Love it!
When it comes to words, this apps let me know if I have game.
I am 73 years old and I enjoy words quest so much so much. Thank you for everything that youve given me.
There are varying challenges to play which makes this a stellar game
I have always loved word search and crossword games. I can sit for hours at a time while my husband drives our Semi & just lose myself in these games. Thanks for not making it a "hokey"just for kids app, I really enjoy the harder games and I learn a lot at the same time. Keep up the good work!!!
I am so hooked on this game.
This is a great word search puzzle.
I love chosing between the various themes for words!
Great app! Love that I can easily connect the letters together. Really like all the settings too.
Lots of interesting categories and smooth action. I love word searches.
This is a great word search game!